Treasure Aquidneck Island is a project created by Eric Kirton, a Middletown resident who was born and raised on Aquidneck Island. It’s a fun and healthy activity to encourage visitors and locals to explore nature and appreciate the treasures of the Island.
Eric has been traveling to Block Island for as long as he can remember, but he had spent very little time exploring the landscape of the Island. In the last few years, he and his three kids, Sam, Emma and Lucy, along with his wife, Melissa, have been following Eben Horton’s Glass Float Project. They search for his floats on the Greenway trails and beaches, while exploring nature, seeing wildlife and getting exercise while having fun.
“Eben Horton’s Glass Float Project has really inspired me. Some of our favorite family time has been exploring the beaches, the walking trails and our own backyard. I realized that there’s so much to be discovered within the 37.8 square miles that make up Aquidneck Island, and searching for something turns exercise into play. I hope Treasure Aquidneck Island encourages others to get outside as well.”
Eric is a real estate agent with Lila Delman Real Estate.